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2019, no.2. Halil Inalcik

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Power Relationships between Russia, the Crimea and the Ottoman Empire as Reflected in Titulature

Halil Inalcik

Abstract. The given articleis a Russian translation of  the Turkish historian (Crimean Tatar origin) Halil Inalcik`s work “Power Relationships between Russia, the Crimea,  and the Ottoman Empire as Reflected in Titulature”. It analyzes the historical ways of development   between Russia, the Crimea and the Ottoman Empire. The author focuses attention on changes of titulature of Russian tsars in the context of changes in mutual power relationships between the states.

Keywords: Crimean Khanate, Ottoman Empire, titulature, Russia, sovereignty, Girays, power relationships.

For citation: Inalcik H. Power Relationships between Russia, the Crimea and the Ottoman  Empire as Reflected in Titulature / Inalcik H.; Transc. Seytkhalilova L. S. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2019, no. 2, pp. 86–107.   DOI: 10.22378/kio.2019.2.86-107


  1. Szeftel M. The title of the Muscovite monarch up to the end of the seventeenth century. Canadian-American Slavic studies, XIII, 1–2 (1979): 59–81.
  2. Szeftel M. (p. 62 and the literature); (pp. 62–65); (pp. 66, 69); (p.70); M.F. Vladimirskii-Budanov, Obzor istorii russkogo prava (Kiev – SРb., 1900): 162–163; D. Obolenski,  The Structure of Russian History (New York: Random House, 1970):  Cherniavsky (article), “Khan or basileus: An aspect of  Russian medieval political theory”, ibid.: 65–79;
  3. Bertold Spuler. Die Goldene Horde, Die Mongolen in Russland, erweiterte Auflage (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrasowitz, 1965): 90–91; also see A. Poppe, “On the title of Grande Prince in the tale of Ihor`s campaign”, Harvard  Ukrainian Studies, III–IV, Eucharisterion: Essays presented to Omeljan Pritsak (1979–1980): 684–689.
  4. Veliaminov-Zernov  V. V. (and Hüseyn Feyzhanoğlu), Materialy  dlia istorii Krimskogo khanstva izvlechennykh iz Moskovskogo Glavnogo Arkhiva Ministerstva Inostrannih Del  (hereafter MIKK) Spb: Academy of Sciences, 1864), no. 1.

5. Szeftel M., art. cit.: 61–62.

6. Spuler B., op. cit.: 167–170.

7. Szeftel M., art. cit.: 64.

8. Spuler B., op. cit.:183–186.

9. Ibid.: 67.

10. Spuler B., op. cit.: Index; `Abd al-Gaffār Kirimi, `Umdat al-Tawārikh, ed.
N. Asim, Supplement to  Tārih-i Osmani Mecmuasi (Istanbul, 1343/1924);

 Z. V. Togan, Ibn Fadlan`s Reisebericht (Leipzig, 1939); P. B. Golden “Khazaria and Judaism”, Archivum Eurasie Medii Aevi, III (1983): 127–129; id., “Imperial ideology and the sources of political unity among the pre-Çingisid nomads of western Euroasia,” ibid., II (1981): 37–76; P.J. Vladimirtsov, Obshchestvennyi stroi Mongolov, Turk. Trans. Abdülkadir Inan (Ankara, 1944): 210–12 (Russian original: 145–147).

11. Inalcik H. The Khan and the Tribal Aristocracy. Harvard Ukrainian Studies, III–IV: 448–449, n. 8, 11.

12. Györffy  Gy. Systėme des rėsidences d`hiver et d`ėtė chez les nomades et les chefs hongrois au Xe siècle, Archivum Eurasie Medii Aevi, I (1975): 45–55)  Z.V. Togan, op. cit., Excurses 61 b). P. J. Vladimirtsov, op. cit., Index.

13. Seyyid Mehmed Ridā,  Al-Sab al-sayyār fi akhbār al-mulük al-Tatar, ed.
A.K. Kazembeg (Kazan, 1832): 186–189;

14. Grekov B., Iakoubovskii A.,  La Horde d`or (Paris: Payot,1939): 135–147; Iakoubovskii (Yakubovsil), Altin Ordu ve çöküşü (Ankara, 1976), chapter VII; A. Iakubovskii, Feodalizm na Vostoke: stolitsa Zolotoi Orddy – Saray Berke (Leningrad, 1932).

15. Mehmed Senā`I H. Historia Chana Islam Gereja III, ed. Z. Abrahamowicz (Warsaw, 1971): 58.

16. Spuler B., op. cit.: 128.

17. Rida M., op. cit.: 87; B. Spuler, op. cit.: 203; Syroeçkovskii V. E. Muhammed-Girai I ego vassal, Ucenye zapiski Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 61 (1940): 33–36.

18. See M. Ridā, op. cit.: 80–86.

19. Syroeçkovsky V. E., art. cit.: 49–53. MIKK: no. 114.

20. Syroeçkovsky V. E., art. cit.: 46–47.

21. Appendix (pp. 394–398) on tribute.

22 Syroeçkovskii V. E., art, cit.: 49–61; J. Pelenski, Russia and Kazan (The Hague: Mouton, 1974): 35.

23. Ibid.: 70.

24. J. Pelenski, op. cit.: 79.

25. Inalcik H. Kirim Hanliğinin  Osmanli tābiliğine girmesi ve ahidnāme meselesi. Belleten, VIII (1944): 185–229; for Kazan`, J. Pelenski, op .cit.: 23–61.

26. Pelenski (p. 67).

27. Ibid.: 67.

28. Translation, ibid.: 72.

29. Ibid.: 55, 72.

30. Vladimirtsov P. J., op. cit.: 79–80  (Turkish translation.: 121–123); Syroeçkovski V. E., art. cit.: 39–42. 

31. J. Pelenski, op. cit.: 72, 74, n. 22.

32. Ibid.: 76–87.

33. Ibid.: 76.

34. Translation, ibid.: 80–81.

35. Ibid.

36. Ibid.: 84–85.

37. Ibid.: 87.

38. Ibid.: 82–83.

39. Ibid.: 86.

40. Bennigsen A., Lemercier-Quelquejay Ch. La Grande Horde Nogay, Turcica, VIII, 2 (1976): 203–236.

41. Inalcik H. Kirim Hanliğinin…: 199–223.

42. Smirnov N. A. Rossiia i Turciia v XVI–XVII vv., two vols. (Moscow, 1946); Kurat A. N.   Turkiye ve Idil boyu (Ankara, 1966); Fisher Alan W. Crimean Tatars (Stanford: Hoover Institute Press, 1978); Ridā M., op. cit. 88–90;   Solak-Zade, Tārikh (Istanbul, 1298/1882): 428–29, Syroeckovskii V. E. art.cit.:57; Spuler B. Die Europāische Diplomatie in Konstantinopel   bis zum  Frieden  von  Belgrad 1739, Jahrbücher fur Kultur und Geschichte  der Slaven, N. F. XI (1935): 53–115.

43. Inalcik H. The Khan…: 445–466.

44. Ibid.: 464.

45. Inalcik H. The origin…;  67–72.

46. Ibid.: 72–85; Kurat A. N., op. cit.; Bennigsen A. et als, op. cit.; 134–138.

47. Pierling, Papes et tsars (Paris, 1890); Inalcik H. The origin…: 94; Bennigsen A., Berindei M. Astrakhan et la politique des steppes nord-pontiques, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, III–IV, part I: 71–91.

48. MIKK: no. 165.

49. Inalcik H. The origin…: 91–100.

50. Novosel`skii A. A.  Bor`ba Moskovskogo gosudarstva s Tatarami v pervoi polovine  XVII veka (Moscow: Academy of Sciences, 1948): 363–367.

51. Ibid., chapter VI; Na`ima, Ravdat al`Husayn…, (Istanbul, 1281/1865) I: 5–6; IV:5–7, 15–17, 32–86; Başvekālet Archves, Mühimme defteri, nos. 87, 88, 89; Novosel`ski A. A, op. cit.: 375–376,  383–384; MIKK: nos. 3, 8, 16, 20, 21, 24, 44, 63, 68, 71, 112, 118, 159, 161, 178, 181, 194, 267.

52. MIKK: no. 63.

53. Novosel`skii A.A, op. cit.: 386–387.

54. MIKK: no. 362.

55. For the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Pādişah`s recognition of the title  Emperor see infra.

About the translator: Leylya Seytkhalilovna Seytkhalilova – senior English language teacher,  laboratory assistant of the Crimean Scientific Center of  Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Kazan, Batirin St., 7A, Russian Federation);

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