2020, no. 2
Original papers

2020. no 2. Ismail Kerimov
I. Gasprinsky`s diplomatic struggle for permission to publish a newspaper. pp. 8-18

2020. no 2. Alexandr Kravchuk
Name index of the Crimean Tatar officials of Tavricheskaya province (first half of the XIX century). pp. 19-31

2020. no 2. Dmytro Moisieiev, Andrey Korzhenkov, Alexander Ovsyuchenko, Alexander Larkov
Historical topography of the Hansaray: to the question of the periodization of building stages of the complex. pp. 32-51

2020. no 2. Sergean Osman
“Halil Pasha’s Border” and “the two hours”. pp. 52-67

2020. no 2. Selvina Seitmemetova, Shukri Seytumerov
The role of Ismail Gasprinsky in the light of archaeological research works in the Khan`s Dere valley. pp. 68-86

2020. no 2. Rasim Kadyrov
Historical geography of the Crimean Khanate based on the written sources of European origin from the 15th–17th centuries. pp. 87-96

2020. no 2. Ismet Zaatov
Semantic parallels of archaic Crimean Tatar musical terminology with the musical vocabulary of “Divan Lugat at-Turk” by Mahmud al-Kashgari in the context of the Turkic musical culture of the early Middle Ages. pp. 97-123

2020. no 2. Nicole Kançal-Ferrari
An Italian Renaissance Gate for the Khan: Visual Culture in Early Modern Crimea. pp. 124-160

2020. no 2. Mikhail Choref
Fake cast florins from Kezlev. pp. 161-171