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2019, no.2. Elviz Osmanov

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Construction and maintanence of educational institutions of Bakhchisarai (mektebe and madrasah) at the beginning of the ХХ-th century

Elviz Osmanov

(SBEIHE RC «Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University»)

Abstract. The traditional system of religious schools of the Crimean Muslims consisted of two types – the primary education schools (mektebe) and the higher education (madrassa). Bakhchisarai  has become one of the cities of the Taurian province. After  the Crimea joined to the Russian Empire there was created the Taurian Mohammedan Spiritual Board (TMDP) in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Muslims of Bakhchisarai were allowed to open the  primary schools (mektebe) with the consent of the community and the necessary means for its maintenance. This article emphasizes the actions  of the   Bakhchisarai   residents on the reorganization of  educational institutions. The paper  discusses their interaction with the provincial authorities on the allocation of subsidies for completion, because of the unstable income of citizens of the city. Madrassas were the religious educational schools of Bakhchisarai. This city of Bakhchisarai was also analyzed  in the article as a monument of architecture.

Keywords: Bakhchisarai, educational institutions, Muslim monuments, religious-cult complex, religious training complex, repairs.

For citation:  Osmanov E. E.  Construction and maintanence of educational institutions of Bakhchisarai (mektebe and madrasah) at the beginning of the ХХ-th century. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2019,  no. 2, pp. 58–67. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2019.2.58-67


  1. Gankevich V.JU. Krymsko-tatarskie medrese (kurs lekcij) [Crimean Tatar madrassas (a course of lectures)]. Simferopol’, 2001. 76 p.
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  3. State Archive of the Republic of the Crimea. F. 27, in. 3, files 1015 (A). Po prosheniyu zhiteley prikhoda Syrly-CHeshme g. Bakhchisaraya ob otpuske 303 rub. iz vakufnogo kapitala na okonchaniye postroyki mektebe [Upon the request of the residents of the Syrly-Chesme parish in Bakhchisarai concerning the release of 303 rubles from the vakuf capital to finish  the construction of the mektebe], 1906–1907. 20 p.
  4. State Archive of the Republic of the Crimea. F. 27, in. 3, files 10690. Ob otpuske iz vakufnogo kapitala uprazdnennykh mechetey 900 rub. posobiya na postroyku mektebe v prikhode Arslan-Aga [On the release of 900 rub. from  the vakuf capital of the abolished mosques for the construction of the mectebe in the parish of Arslan-Aga], 1909–1910. 11 p.
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About the author: Osmanov Elviz Edemovich – Cand. Sci (History), lecturer at the Department of History of the SBEIHE RC “Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” (295015, Simferopol, Uchebny lane, 8, Crimea, Russian Federation);

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