Current number (2024, vol. 11, no. 2)
Original papers

2024. no 2. Refat Abduzhemilev
Argumentation of the autoethnonym “Crimean Tatars” by indigenous and foreign historical sources. pp. 16-28

2024. no 2. Nariman Abdulvapov
The ethnonym “Tatars” in Crimean Tatar Literature of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. pp. 29-48

2024. no 2. Alime Apselyamova
The value dimension of the discussion about the ethnonym “Crimean Tatars / Kyrymly” in a modern ethnic context. pp. 49-57

2024. no 2. Nadir Bekirov
Ethnonym “Crimean Tatars” in documents of international organizations. pp. 58-68

2024. no 2. Dlyaver Osmanov
Bulgar-Tatar discussions in the context of the problem of the ethnonym “Crimean Tatars”. pp. 69-79

2024. no 2. Eldar Seitbekirov
Аcademician V.V. Bartold about “the population of Crimea, rejecting the name “Tatars”“. pp. 80-91

2024. no 2. Selvina Seitmemetova, Elmira Abibullaeva
For an answer to the great teacher: Ismail Gasprinsky on the question of self-name “Kyrymly” or “Crimean Tatars”? pp. 92-103

2024. no 2. Eldar Seidametov
The problem of ethnonym of the Crimean Tatars in the works of J. Seidamet. pp. 104-110

2024. no 2. Seyran Suleymanov, Ayder Emirov
The theme of belonging to the Tatar people in the works of Bekir Choban-zade. pp. 111-116