2023. no 2. Rustem Komurdzhi
Song folklore of the Crimean Tatars: the aspect of identification (part 1)
Rustem Komurdzhi
Abstract. Today, a certain circle of Crimean Tatars and not only offer the society the idea of renaming the people to “Kyrym” using the expressions “Kyrymly”, “Kyrym khalky” arising from this name. Such a challenge was followed by the reaction of the academic part of scientists involved in transliteration, translation of ancient documents, manuscripts, according to which the evolution of the indigenous people of Crimea, its language, culture and statehood is recreated. Their counter-concept is the preservation of the lexeme “kyrymtatar”.
The article is devoted to the issue of displaying the self-name of the Crimean Tatars in his musical and song creativity, as a carrier of the historical memory of the people. For this, the songs were analyzed and the results described. In a historical retrospective, it was determined what ethnonym the Crimean Tatar people identified themselves with.
When studying texts, attention was focused on such words as “kyrym”, “kyrymly”, “tatar”, as well as their semantic meaning in a particular context. The songs that passed through the analysis were not selected by genre. The work included historical, comic, lyrical, dance and others. Variants of previously studied songs were also obligatorily viewed.
Keywords: Crimea, Crimean Tatars, ethnonym, Crimean Tatar folklore, song,
Tatars, Kyrymly
For citation: Komurdzhi R. Song folklore of the Crimean Tatars: the aspect of identification (part 1). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2023, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 169–180. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2023.2.169-180 (In Russian)
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About the author: Rustem Z. Komurdzhi – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, member of the National All-Ukrainian Musical Union, corresponding member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts (Simferopol, Russian Federation); krimaccohord11@gmail.com