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2023. no 2. Grigorii Kondratjuk

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Crimean Tatars in the Trade Union movement
of the Crimean ASSR in the 1920–1930s

Grigorii Kondratjuk
Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University;
Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Abstract. Research objectives: consider the activities of the Trade Unions of the Crimean ASSR in the interwar period in the context of national policy.
Research materials: authentic editions of the 1920–30s, documents of the State Archive of the Republic of Crimea.
Results and novelty of the research: the national policy of the Crimean ASSR was carried out, among other things, through the activities of the Crimean Council of Trade Unions (KSPS), which was an intermediary between the national peasantry and the VKPB. The korenization policy made changes to the KSPS itself, introducing a certain percentage of Crimean Tatars and representatives of other peoples into its structure. Trade unions have made a significant contribution to the eradication of illiteracy, school construction, and vocational education.

Keywords: Crimean ASSR, Crimean Council of Trade Unions, national policy, korenization, eradication of illiteracy

For citation: Kondratjuk G.N. Crimean Tatars in the Trade Union movement of the Crimean ASSR in the 1920–1930s. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Histo­rical Review. 2023, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 66–77. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2023.2.66-77 (In Russian)


1.   God profraboty v Krymu: otchjot Krymskogo Soveta professional’nyh Sojuzov 4-mu Vsekrymskomu Syezdu Profsojuzov. [Year of professional work in Crimea; Crimean Council of Trade Union to the 4th All-Crimean congress of Trade Unions]. Simferopol: RIO KSPS, 1922. (In Russian)

2.    God raboty: otchjot Krymskogo Soveta profsojuzov i Narodnogo Komissariata truda Krymskoj SSR za 1923 god VI Vsekrymskomu syezdu professional’nyh sojuzov [Year of work: report if the Crimean Council of Trade Unions and the People`s Commissariat of Labor of the Crimean SSR for 1923 to the VI All-Crimean Congress of Trade Unions]. Simferopol: Krymprofsovet, 1924. (In Russian)

3.    Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Respubliki Krym (GARK). F. P–1, op. 1, d. 107v, l. 573. [State Archive of the Republic of Crimea (GARK)]. (In Russian)

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7.    Materialy k dokladu pravitel’stva Krymskoj ASSR o sovetskom, hozjajstvennom i kul’turnom stroitel’stve Krymskoj ASSR na IV sessii XV sozyva VCIK. [Materials for the report of the government of the Crimean ASSR on the Soviet , economic and cultural construction of the Crimean ASSR at the 4th session of the XV convocation of All-Russian Central Executive Committee]. Simferopol: Gosizdat Krymskoj ASSR, 1933. (In Russian)

8.    Otchjot Krymskogo Soveta Professional’nyh Sojuzov s marta 1924 po mart 1925 goda X Vsekrymskomu syezdu profsojuzov [Report of the Crimean Council of Trade Union from March 1924 to March 1925 to the X All-Crimean Congress of Trade Union]. Simferopol: Krymprofsovet, 1925. (In Russian)

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10. Postanovlenija Plenuma Krymskogo oblastnogo komiteta VKP(b) ot 5–6 maja 1935 goda [Decrees of the Plenum of the Crimean Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of May 5–6, 1935]. Simferopol: Gosizdat Krymskoj ASSR, 1935. (In Russian)

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12. Profsojuzy na novom jetape: materialy k otchjotu KSPS XIV Vsekrymskomu syezdu Profsojuzov [Trade Unions at a new stage: materials for the report of the KSPS XIV All-Union Crimean Congress of Trade Unions]. Simferopol: Krymgosizdat, 1932. (In Russian)

13. Rezoljucii III Plenuma Krymskogo Soveta Professional’nyh Sojuzov XIII sozyva. [Resolutions of the III Plenum of the Crimean Council of Trade Unions of the XIII convocation]. Simferopol: Izd. KSPS, 1930. (In Russian)

14. Rezoljucii XIII Vsekrymskogo syezda profsojuzov. [Resolution of the III Plenum of the Crimean Council of Trade Unions]. Simferopol: Izd. Krymskogo Soveta profsojuzov, 1929. (In Russian)

15. Reshenija Vsekrymskogo nacsoveshhanija pri KSPS. [Decisions of the All-Crimean conference under the KSPS]. Simferopol: Krymgosizdat, 1931. (In Russian)

16. Reshenija XIV Vsekrymskogo syezda profsojuzov. [Decisions of the XIV All-Crimean Congress of Trade Unions]. Simferopol: Krymgosizdat, 1932. (In Russian)

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About the author: Grigorii N. Kondratjuk – Dr. Sci. (History), Professor of the Department of History, Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (295015, Uchebnyy lane, 8, Simferopol, Russian Federation); Leading Research Fellow of the Crimean Scientific Center, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Baturin Str., 7A, Kazan, Russian Federation);

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