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2023. no 1. Il’ya Zaytsev

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A letter from the Crimean scholar Abdallah b. Ibrahim
’Afif ad-Din-efendi to sheikh Yahya, the custodian
of the tomb of Muhya ad-Din Ibn Arabi in Damascus (1630s)

Il’ya Zaytsev

Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The article publishes the Arabic text and the translation into Russian of a letter from the Crimean scholar, poet and judge Abdallah b. Ibrahim ’Afif ad-Din-efendi (? – 1640, Kafa) to sheikh Yahya, the custodian of the tomb of Muhya ad-Din Ibn Arabi in the Damascus quarter of Salihiya. The letter may be dated to the 1630s. This letter is an example of the close ties that existed between the Crimean medieval scientists and their brethren in Syria.

Keywords: Crimea, Ibn Arabi, Damascus, Sufism

For citation: Zaytsev I.V. A letter from the Crimean scholar Abdallah b. Ibrahim ’Afif ad-Din-efendi to sheikh Yahya, the custodian of the tomb of Muhya ad-Din Ibn Arabi in Damascus (1630s). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2023, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 10–20. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2023.1.10-20 (In Russian)


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About the author: Ilya V. Zaytsev – Dr. Sci. (History), Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (107031, Moscow, Rozhdestvenka Str., 12, Russian Federation);

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