2023. no 1. Ismail Kerimov
Literary and cultural chracter of Cemil Seitabla Kermenchikli (1891–1942)
Ismail Kerimov
Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University;
Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Abstract. Cemil Kermenchili is one of the brightestCrimean Tatar poets of the 20th century, who played significant role in the development of the national poetic word in Crimea. In the article, on the basis of new materials recently found in the central and in the repositories of regional libraries in Russia, new facets of his work are revealed and many refinements are made to the development of the author`s scientific biography. Attention is paid to the rich journalistic component of his work. The appendix to the article contains unknown poetic works of the author relating to the period of the First World War.
Keywords: Crimean Tatar poetry of the early 20th century, poetic character of Cemil Kermenchikli, new materials of the Crimean Tatar poetic ceativity
For citation: Kerimov I.A. Literary and cultural character of Cemil Seitabla Kermenchikli (1891–1942). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2023, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 97–105. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2023.1.97-105 (In Crimean Tatar)
- GARK (makhsus bolyuk). F. 8. D.010683. С.1–87. (In Crimean Tatar)
- Kerim I.A. «Vak”anuvis. Kun’delik. K”ysym 1–2. 1976–2000». (In Crimean Tatar)
3. Kerim I.A. Ayna menba. P. 233. [Same source] (In Crimean Tatar)
4. Kerim I.A. Ayny menba. P. 234. [Same source] (In Crimean Tatar)
5. Kermenchikli E.Dzh. Deshetli kechmishni hatyrlap [Remembering terrible past] // Jyldyz. 1991. №2. (In Crimean Tatar)
6. Kermenchikli E.Dzh. Ayny menba [Same source]. (In Crimean Tatar)
7. Kirim T.N. Dzhemil’ Kermenchikli. Ma-bikh-il’ iftikharym k”yrymlyk”tyr menim g”ururym. [I am proud of being a Crimean Tatar] Ak”mesdzhit: K”yrymdevok”uvpedneshir. 2005. 136 p. (In Crimean Tatar)
8. Kirim T.N. Tvorcheskoe nasledie Dzhemilya Kermenchikli. Pervaya tret’ XX veka. [Creative heritage of Cemil Kermenchikli. First quarter of the XX century] Simferopol’: Odzhak”. 2007. 163 p. (In Russian)
9. Kirimov T.N. Tvorchist’ Dzhemilya Kermenchikli: tematika, semantika, lingvostil’ovi osoblivosti. [Creative work of Cemil Kermenchikli: thematic, semantic stylistic peculiarities] UDK: 821.512.145 «18/19»+929. Spetsial’nist’ 10.01.10 – krims’kotatars’ka literatura. Avtoreferat disertatsiÏ na zdobuttya naukovogo stupenya kandidata filologichnikh nauk. 2009. 20 p. (In Ukrainian)
10. Khaberdzhi. En”i kitaplar. [New books] Millet. 1917. № 55. sentyabr’ 3. (In Crimean Tatar)
About the author: Ismail A. Kerimov – Dr. Sci. (Philology), Professor, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Crimean philology, history and culture of the Crimean ethnos, Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (295015, Uchednyy lane, 8, Simferopol, Russian Federation); Leading Research Fellow of the Crimean Scientific Center, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Baturin Str., 7A, Kazan, Russian Federation); alimes@mail.ru