2023. no 1. Sevilya Velieva
Musical instruments of the Crimean Tatars
in the collection of the Bakhchisarai Museum-Reserve
Sevilya Velieva
Bakhchisarai historical, cultural and archaeological museum-preserve
Abstract. The article gives a detailed descripton of the musical instruments of the Crimean Tatars, which are presented in the collection of the Bakhchisarai Museum-Reserve and are interesting for studying musical culture in general.
The history of formation of the collection of musical instruments is connected with the creation of the Museum of Turkic-Tatar Culture in Bakhchisarai. In the 1920s and 30s, the staff of the institution collected a large number of antiquities, including musical instruments.
In scientific works devoted to the music of the Crimean Tatar people, researchers mainly paid attention to the songs, melodies and partially mentioned traditional instruments. In this work, it is assumed to study the issues of acquisition, cataloging, classification of musical instruments, as well as determining the characteristic features of these items.
The research will be relevant for further use in creating expositions, excursion stories, possibly also in recreating folk instruments and playing them.
Keywords: musical instruments, Crimean Tatars, culture, Bakhchisarai Museum-reserve, collection
For citation: Veliyeva S.S. Musical instruments of the Crimean Tatars in the collection of the Bakhchisarai Museum-Reserve. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie = Crimean Historical Review. 2023, no. 1, pp. 147–161. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2023.1.147-161 (In Russian)
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About the author: Sevilya S. Velieva – Senior Research Fellow of the Bakhchisarai historical, cultural and archaeological museum-preserve (298405, Rechnaya Str., 133, Bakhchisarai, Russian Federation); vsevila83@gmail.com