2021. no 1. Andrei Morozov
On the guestion of dating the seizure of power
in the Crimea by Devlet Girey I
Andrei Morozov
Abstract. The date of accession of Devlet Girey I to the throne in the Crimea as a result of the coup d’état , inspired by the Ottoman government, is specified in the article. As a review of domestic and foreign studies on this issue shows, the generally accepted dating of this event as in 1551 was largely formed due to the uncritical perception of Turkish chronicle`s narrative. A more careful analysis, considering data from the Russian chronicles and ambassadorial books, allows us to date the arrival of Devlet Girey I to power as in autumn of 1550. Aditionally, the connection of this event with the fall of Kazan and its impact on the geopolitical situation in Eastern Europe is discussed.
Keywords: Eastern Europe, Crimean Khanate, Devlet Girey I, Ottoman Empire, Turkish chronicles, Russian chronicles, ambassadorial books
For citation: Morozov A. A. On the guestion of dating the seizure of power in the Crimea by Devlet Girey I. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2021, no 1, pp. 21–50. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2021.1.21-50.
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About the author: Morozov Andrei Anatolyevich, independent researcher (Moscow, Russian Federation); kolmys@yandex.ru