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2019, no.1. Larisa Koroleva

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Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard – a cartographer

Larisa Koroleva

(SBEEHE RC “Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University”)

Abstract. On the basis of documentary materials from the funds of the Central Museum of Tavrida, this study is intended to highlight the activities of the famous Crimean scientist Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard on the history of mapping of the Crimea and southern Russia. This topic has not been covered in historiography by anyone, although the heritage of a scientist in various areas of history and culture is actively and fruitfully studied today. In addition, the topic on the history of cartography of the Crimean peninsula itself is little developed today, and Bertier Delagard was one of the first to develop this topic. The activity of a scientist in this direction is studied in two directions: first of all, Berthier-Delagard is considered as the largest collector of maps of the Crimean peninsula and southern Russia in the early 20th century. Secondly, the scientific developments of the scientist on the topic of the history of mapping the Crimean peninsula from Homer’s times to the 18th century are being reconstructed. The uniqueness of his personal collection of cards is obvious (the number is about 700 units, unique copies, and thematic selection). A serious study on the topic was a report read out by Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard in Yalta Technical Society. The preparatory materials for this report are kept in the collections of the Central Museum of Tavrida. The draft provides the scientist with an idea of ​​the main stages in the history of mapping the Northern Black Sea region, a characteristic of the stages, and the history of the mapping of the Northern Black Sea region as part of the development of mapping in the European region.

Keywords: the history of mapping of the Crimean peninsula, the South of Russia, the Black Sea in the ancient period, the Middle Ages and the new time; Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard – a cartographer, card collector; a collection of maps of the Crimea and southern Russia of the pre-revolutionary period in the funds of the Central Museum of Tavrida.

For citation:  Koroleva L. I.  Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard – a cartographer. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2019, no. 1, pp.8-17.  DOI: 10.22378/kio.2019.1.8-17


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 3. Alexander L. Bertier-Delagard. Soobshchenie o vidennyh v Peterburge numizmaticheskih kollekciyah i o kartograficheskih dokumentah arhiva Glavnogo shtaba [Report on numismatic collections seen in St. Petersburg and on cartographic documents of the archive of the General staff] ZOOID [Notes of the Odessa Society of history and antiquities]. 1896. T. 19.

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About the author: Larisa Iosifovna Koroleva – Cand. Sci. (history), associate professor of the Chair of History, SBEEHE RC “Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” (295015, Uchebniy lane, 8, Simferopol, Crimea, Russian Federation);

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