2020. no 2. Alexandr Kravchuk
Name index of the Crimean Tatar officials
of Tavricheskaya province
(first half of the XIX century)
Alexandr Kravchuk
(SBEEHE RC «Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University», FSAEI V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University)
Abstract: In the article, for the first time, was restored the list of the Crimean Tatars who served in the civil service of the Taurida governorate in the first half of the XIX century. The reconstruction was carried out on the basis of «end-to-end» analysis of Address-Calendars and Mesyatseslovs of the Russian Empire. This information can serve as a background information for further research concerning the participation of the Crimean Tatars in the civil service. The facts, presented in the article, also expand understanding of the interaction ways of Russian administration in Taurida with representatives of the old-time population. In addition, the information given in the article, will help to restore previously unknown plages from the life of selected outstanding public and state leaders of the Crimean Tatars.
Keywords: Crimean Tatars, Taurida governorate, Taurida, officials, bureaucracy, administrative history.
For citation: Kravchuk A.S. Name index of the Crimean Tatar officials of Tavricheskaya province (first half of the XIX century). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2020, no. 2, pp. 19–31. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2020.2.19-31
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About the author: Alexandr Sergeevich Kravchuk – Cand. Sci. (History), Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Museum of History of CFU, “Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University” (295015, Simferopol, Uchebny lane, 8, Crimea, Russian Federation); V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University (295007, Simferopol, Academician Vernadsky Ave., 4, Crimea, Russian Federation); alexkravchuk7@gmail.com