2021, no. 2
Original papers

2021. no 2. Eldar Seidametov
Situation of Tatars and other Muslim minorities in communist Bulgaria. pp. 20-32

2021. no 2. Amet-han Sheykhumerov
“Treason of the Crimean Khan” in the Battle of Berestechko: myths and facts. pp. 33-72

2021. no 2. Ismail Kerimov
Unknown works of Crimean Tatar writers of the early XX century. С. 73-82

2021. no 2. Adile Emirova
Formation of the system of orthology of the Crimean Tatar literary language. pp. 83-96

2021. no 2. Elmira Abibullaeva
Reasons that influenced the closure of the journal «Alem-i nisvan» («Women’s World») (On the 170th anniversary of the birth of Ismail Gasprinsky). C. 97-114

2021. no 2. Nadir Bekirov, Farit Shakurov
The influence of the natural and geographical specifics of Crimea on the formation of some characteristic features of traditional Crimean culture: matrix of interaction between “Local” and “Alien” ethnic groups on the peninsula. pp. 115-133

2021. no 2. Ismet Zaatov
Ethnocultural basis of the formation process of the Crimean Tatar art culture and decorative and applied art (part one). C. 134-170

2021. no 2. Aliye Kerimova
Clothes of the Crimean Tatars in the early years of Soviet power. C. 171-178

2021. no 2. Refat Abduzhemilev
Abdullah ibn Rizvan-Pasha. The Chronicle «Tevarikh-i Desht-i Kiptchak». Part 3. pp. 179-198