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2024. no 2. Eldar Seidametov

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The problem of ethnonym of the Crimean Tatars in the works of J. Seidamet

Eldar Seidametov
Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

Abstract. The article examines the problematic of the ethnonym of the Crimean Tatars in the works of the famous socio-political figure, one of the ideologists and lea­ders of the Crimean Tatar national movement of the early 20th century, J. Seidamet.

The source base of the study consisted mainly of memoirs, journalistic materials, which gave us an idea of the main stages in the formation of the national identity of the Crimean Tatars, various kinds of discussions, both in Crimea and in the diaspora: Turkic-Tatar, Turkic-Ottoman on the path to the formation of the Crimean Tatar identity. One of the topics considered in the article is the question of understanding the term “Kyrymly” (“Crimeans”) in the rhetoric of J. Seidamet and other socio-political figures of that era.

Keywords: national identity, Turkic-Tatar, Turkic-Ottoman discussions, “Kyrymly”, Kurultai, diaspora.

For citation: Seidametov E.Kh. The problem of ethnonym of the Crimean Tatars in the works of J. Seidamet. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2024, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 104–110. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2024.2.104-110 (In Russian)


  1. Seidamet Dzh. Journalism (little known articles). Simferopol: “Krymuch­pedgiz” Publishing House, 2012. 126 p. (In Russian)
  2. Kırımer C. S. Some memories. İstanbul: EMEL Turkish Culture Research and Promotion Foundation, 1993. 58 p. (In Turkish).
  3. Seïdamet Dj. La Crimée. Passé-Présent. Revendications des Tatars de Crimée. Avant Propos de M. le Professeur C. D. Haron. Préface de M. le Professeur E. Pittard. Lausanne. Imprimerie G. Vaney-Burnier, 1921. 120 p. (In French).
  4. Sejdamet Dż. Krym. Przeszłość, teraźniejszość i dążenia niepodległościowe Tatarów krymskich. Warszawa: Nakładem Instytutu Wschodniego, 1930. 170 p. (In Polish).

About the author: Eldar Kh. Seidametov – Cand. Sci. (History), Head of the Crimean Scientific Center, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (7, Baturin Str., Kazan 420111, Russian Federation);

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