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2024. no 1. Refic Kurtseitov

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The forced resettlement of the Crimean Tatar people in 1944, the liquidation of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: a national movement for the return to their homeland and the restoration of autonomy

Refic Kurtseitov

Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University

Abstract. The article examinesthe forced relocation of the Crimean Tatar people on a national basis and its consequences. Elimination of social institutions, including national-territorial autonomy – Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, destruction of culture and education system in the native language. Systematic and legal restrictions in places of special settlement and their impact on the ethnocultural development of the people The phenomenon of the national movement for an organized return to the homeland, restoration of rights of national autonomy in accordance with the constitution and legislative acts of the USSR.

Keywords: Crimean Tatars, Crimean Soviet Socialist Republic, eviction based on nationality, national movement, restoration of autonomy

For citation: Kurtseitov R.D. The forced resettlement of the Crimean Tatar people in 1944, the liquidation of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic: a natio­nal movement for the return to their homeland and the restoration of autonomy. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2024, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 46–82. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2024.1.46-82 (In Russian)


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About the author: Refic D. Kurtseitov – Cand. Sci. (Sociology), Associate professor, Head of the Department of social and humanitarian disciplines; Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Crimean Tatar Philology, History and Culture of the Ethnic Groups of the Crimea, Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (8, Uchebny lane, Simferopol 295015, Russian Federation);

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