2022. no 2. Ismail Kerimov
Unknown materials about
Usein Abdulrefioglu Bodaninsky (1877–1938)
Ismail Kerimov
(Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences;
Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University)
Abstract. The materials discovered recently in the Russian State Library in Moscow are unknown to modern researchers of the activities of the founder of BIKAMZ A. Bodaninsky. In particular, information about the large funds that were issued to Bodaninsky by the Bakhchisaray vaqf “Tole” after graduating from the Tatar teacher`s school in Simferopol, which played a major role in his trip and training in Moscow at the Stroganov School of Technical Drawing. New in the article are also materials related to the appeals of U. Bodaninsky in 1916 to Taurida Governor and also “Society for Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments” in Petrograd, related to the intentions of opening an ethnographic museum in Bakhchisaray. Also little known are the frequent trips of U. Bodaninsky in 1915–1916, when he created the “Society of Lovers of Art and Ethnography” from local youths which played an important role, including material, at the official opening the Bakhchisaray museum in1917, because all members of a large society annually contributed a certain fee to the activities of the museum.
Keywords: Bakhchisaray museum, Usein Bodaninsky, monuments of history and culture of the Crimean Tatars.
For citation: Kerimov I.А. Unknown materials about Usein Abdulrefioglu Bodaninsky (1877–1938). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2022, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 137–148. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2022.2.137-148 (In Crimean Tatar)
1. Muftizade I. Idaree mektyup [A letter to the department]. Terdzhiman. 1913. noyabr’ 6. (In Crimean Tatar)
2. Muhbir. Zagovoriv o dobrom dele. [Talking about a good deed]. Terdzhiman.1892. 25 oktyabrya (In Russian)
3. Muhbir. Alushtada olmysh kezinti faidesine[About benefits of walking in Alushta]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 175. avgust 14. (In Crimean Tatar)
4. Musaeva U.K. Narodnyj uchitel’. Dokumental’nyj ocherk deyatel’nosti vydayushchegosya krymskotatarskogo prosvetitelya Useina Bodaninskogo [Folk teacher. Documentary essay about activities of outstanding Crimean Tatar educator Usein Bodaninsky] Pod red. A.A. Nepomnyashchego. Simferopol: OAO “Simferopol’skaya gorodskaya tipografiya”. 2007. 240 p. (In Russian)
5. Ak”chok”rak”ly O. Ressam Usein efendi Bodaninskij [Artist Usein efendy Bodaninsky] Terdzhiman. 1915. No. 271. dekabr’ 11. (In Crimean Tatar)
6. Muhbir. Usein efendi Bodaninskij [Usein efendy Bodaninsky]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 101. majys 5. (In Crimean Tatar)
7. Ajvazov A.S. Bag”chasarajda “Asar-i-Atik”a Hamileri Dzhemieti” teshkil’ meselesi [To the question of founding “Asar-I Atik’a Hamileri Dzhemiety” in Bakhchisaray]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 105. majys 12. (In Crimean Tatar)
8. Muhbir. K”yrymda musul’man hastahanesi hak”k”ynda idzhtima [About possibility of having Muslim hospitals in the Crimea]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 119. iyun’ 2. (In Crimean Tatar)
9. Muhbir. Bag”chasaraj. Ressam Usein Bodaninskij dzhenaplary…[His highness the artist Usein Bodaninsky…]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 142. iyul’ 1. (In Crimean Tatar)
10. Bir yalybojlu. “Asar-i-atik”a ve millij sanaji-nefiseji himae dzhemieti” achyladzhag”y munasebetile[ In connection with opening of society “Asar-I atika ve millij sanaji nefiseji himae dzhemiety”]. Terdzhiman. 1916. No. 191. sentyabr’ 4. (In Crimean Tatar)
11. Muhbir. Tatar sanaji mektebi [Tatar School of Art]. Terdzhiman. 1918. No. 10. fevral’ 2. (In Crimean Tatar)
About the author: Ismail A. Kerimov – Dr. Sci. (Philology), Professor, Director of the Scientific Research Institute of the Crimean philology, history and culture of the Crimean ethnos, Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University (295015, Uchednyy lane, 8, Simferopol, Russian Federation); Leading Researcher of the Crimean Scientific Center, Marjani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Baturin Str., 7A, Kazan, Russian Federation); alimes@mail.ru