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2022. no 1. Aleksey Bugarchev, Evgenia Fedorova

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Finds of the Crimean puls of the XIV century
on the territory of the Bolgarian settlement

Aleksey Bugarchev
(A.Kh. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology of AS RT)

Evgenia Fedorova
(Bolgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve)

Abstract. The article presents earlier unpublished information about the finds of the Crimean copper coins (puls) of the XIV century on the territory of the Bolgarian settlement. The authors pay special attention to coins with the date of 743, the whole number of which makes 31 copies. Comparing the weight of those coins with the other puls (coins) of the 1330s and 1340s, the authors come to the conclusion that those puls (coins) were turning in the markets of the town together with the Bolgarian puls (coins) “Tamga in the star”, minted in 1330th.

Keywords: coin, puls, monetary circulation, Bolgar, Crim (Crimea), XIV century.

For citation: Bugarchev A.I., Fedorova E.A. Finds of the Crimean puls of
the XIV century on the territory of the Bolgarian settlement. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2022, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 115-122. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2022.1.115-122 (In Russian)


1.Bugarchev A. I., Belyaev A. V. Numizmaticheskie materialy iz raskopa CLXVIII Bolgarskogo gorodishcha [Numismatic materials from the excavation of the CLXVIII Bolgarian settlement] Povolzhskaya arkheologiya [The Volga river region archaeology], 2014, no. 2 (8), pp.165–175. (In Russian)

2. Bugarchev A. I., Sivitskiy M. V. Arheologicheskie i numizmaticheskie nahodki iz raskopa CLXXXV Bolgarskogo gorodishcha [Archaeological and Numismatic finds from the excavation of the CLXXXV Bolgarian settlement] Povolzhskaya arkheologiya [The Volga river region archaeology], 2016, no. 4 (18), pp. 165–175. (In Russian)

3. Bugarchev A. I., Stepanov O. V. Monetnye nahodki na territorii Iski-Kazanskogo arheologicheskogo kompleksa. Materialy 10-15 vv. [Coins finds on the territory of the Iski-Kazan archaeological coplex. Materials of 10th – 15th centuries]. Kazan, Otechestvo Publ., 2021. 95 p. (In Russian)

4. Lebedev V. P., Bugarchev A. I., Gumayunov S. V. Monetnoe obrashchenie Juketau po numizmaticheskim dannym [Coins circulation of Juketau by numismatic materials] Trudy mezhdunarodnyh numizmaticheskih konferentsiy [Proceedings of International Numismatic Conferences]. Bolgar 2005, Volgograd 2006. Moskow, Numizmaticheskaya literature Publ. 2008, pp. 39–49. (In Russian)

5. Petrov P. N. Klad iz Dev-kesken-kala i voprosy nachala chekanki serebryanyh monet v Juchidskom uluse [The treasure from  the Dev-kesken-kala and the issue concerning the beginning  of silver coins minting  in the Juchid ulus] Zolotoordynskaya tsivilizatsiya [Golden Horde Civilization], no. 3. Kazan, FAN Publ. 2010, pp. 121–149. (In Russian)

6. Yanina S. A. Juchidskie monety iz raskopok i sborov Kuybyshevskoy arheologicheskoy ekspeditsii v Bolgarah v 19461952 gg. [Juchid coins from the excavations and collections of the Kuybishev Archaeological expedition in the Bolgary in 1946–1952] Materialy I issledovaniya po arheologii SSSR [Materials and research works on archaeology of the USSR]. No. 42. 1954, pp. 424–484. (In Russian)

About the autors: Bugarchev Aleksey Igorevich – laboratory assistant resear­cher, A.Kh. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (422840, Butlerov Str., 30, Kazan, Russian Federation);

Fedorova Evgenia Alekseevna – Chief Curator of the funds of the Bolgarian State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve (422840, Nazarovs Str., 67, Bolgar, Russian Federation);

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