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2021. no 2. Refat Abduzhemilev

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Abdullah ibn Rizvan-Pasha. The Chronicle «Tevarikh-i Desht-i Kiptchak». Part 3

Refat Abduzhemilev
(Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences;
SBEEHE RC «Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University»)

Abstract. The column presents one of the principal narrative sources reflecting the history of the Golden Horde and the Crimean Khanate – the work “Tevarikh-i Desht-i Kiptchak” (“The Chronicle of the Desht-i Kiptchak”, 1638) from under the pen of Abdullah ibn Rizvan. Notwithstanding the presence of works in the scientific literature on this chronicle, they still have a superficial character. The artistic and literary merits of the work have not been fully analyzed. The chronicle is a vivid example of the evolution of the Crimean Ottoman traditions of verbal creativity and chronology, which later gave impetus to the emergence of other universal histories.

The text of “Tevarikh-i Desht-i Kiptchak” is given in the original transliteration from two manuscripts (National Library of France S 874 and The Library of Topkapı Palace Museum B 289) and in Russian translation (author of transliteration and translation – R. R. Abduzhemilev). The translation is made up of the combined text from two manuscript copies in the book Ananiasz Zajaczkowski “La Chronique des Steppes Kıptchak Tevarih-i Deşt-ı Qıpçaq du XVIIe siecle” (Warszawa 1966).

Keywords: Abdullah ibn Rizvan-Pasha, Golden Horde, Crimean Khanate, Crimean Tatar literature, narrative source, “Tevarikh-i Desht-i Kiptchak”, Chronicle.

For citationAbduzhemilev R. R. Abdullah ibn Rizvan-Pasha. The Chronicle «Tevarikh-i-Desht-i Kiptchak». Part 3. Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Review. 2021, no. 2, pp. 179–198.  DOI: 10.22378/kio.2021.2.179-198


1. Abdullah ibn Ridvan. Tevarih-i Deşt-i Kıpçak an Hıtta-i Kırım veya Tevarih-i Tatar Hanan-ı Kadim ve Ahval-i Deşt-i Kıpçak [The Chronicle of Desht-i Kiptchak in the country of Crimea, or The Chronicle of the ancient Khans and the state of Desht-i Kiptchak] / М. Акif Erdoğru, S. Uysal. İzmir: KEge Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2012. 80 s. (In Turkish)

2. Zajaczkowski A. La Chronique des Steppes Kıptchak Tevarih-ı Dešt-ı Qıpčaq du XVIIe siecle: Edition critique [The Chronicle of the Kiptchak Steppes Tevarih-ı Dešt-ı Qıpčaq of the XVIIth century: Critical edition]. Warszawa: Panstwowe wydawnictwo naukowe, 1966. 183 p. (In French and Ottoman Turkish)

3. Abd Allah ibn Rizvan Pacha, sur nomme Rizvan Pachazade et Abdi. Abrege de l’histoire des quatorze premiers khans [de Crimee], depuis qu’ils dependent du Grand Seigneur, traduit par le sr Delaunay, jeune de langues de France, a Constantinople, 1737 [Abd Allah ibn Rizvan Pasha, under the name Rizvan Pashazade and Abdi. The story of the first fourteen khans of the Crimea…] [Electronic resource]. Access mode: (In Ottoman Turkish and French) 

About the author and translator: Abduzhemilev Refat Rustem oghly – Cand. Sci (Philology), Senior Research Fellow of the Research Institute of the Crimean Tatar philology, history and culture of ethnic groups of the Crimea in SBEEHE RC «Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University» (295015, Simferopol, Uchebnyy lane, 8, Russian Federation); Senior Research Fellow of the Crimean Scientific Center of Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Kazan, Baturin Str., 7A, Russian Federation).

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