2020. no1. Ismet Zaatov
Crym Girey I – the founder of the classical theater
in the Crimea (on the issue of 257 years experience
of the Crimean Tatar`s first theatrical productions
of the European type theater).
Ismet Zaatov
(Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences)
Abstract. The formation process of the Crimean Tatar theater can be divided into the following periods: medieval – folk theater (the initial round dance and toy puppet theater of shadows “Karagoz”, the theater of one actor “meddah”, the arena theater “orta oyuny”); Khan`s theater in the middle of the XVIII century (penetration into the Crimea of European theater traditions in the era of the Crimean Khan Crym Girey I); the revival of traditions of the Crimean Tatar theater late XIX–XX centuries (the activities of a theater-goers group of the Jadidist Crimean Tatar youth–followers of I. Gasprinsky, under the leadership of J. Meinov – the efforts of the Crimean Tatar noblewoman-myrzachkas under the leadership of A. Taiganskaya; organization of a professional Simferopol Tatar theater troupe under the People’s Commissar of Education of the Crimean ASSR in 1921 and creation and activities of the Crimean Tatar Drama Theater, headed by A. Taigan, and the Crimean Tatar amateur movement in the Crimea, and among the Crimean Tatar foreign diaspora of 1923–1944 (Soviet pre-deportation period); recreation and current activities of the Crimean Tatar theater in the Crimea,1989 (post deportation period).
In this article, for the first time in the art history, is revealed the so-called Khan`s period in the formation of the Crimean Tatar theater, discussed the revolutionary activity in the field of Crimean Tatar art, the ascetic activity of the Crimean Khan Crym Girey I to promote the ideas of European theater traditions and create a classical theater in the Crimea.
The picture of the actions undertaken by the Crimean ruler in the construction of theater business in the Crimea, as well as his thoughts and statements about the theater, was recreated according to the text published in the XVIII century, memories of personal meetings and conversations with Crym Girey I of European authors: German – von der Goltz, Polish – Pilshtynova, Russian – Nikiforov, Frenchman – de Tott, Austrian – Kleeman. Based on these recollections is built a clear and explicit picture of a role of Crym Girey I as a pioneer in bringing European theater traditions and creation of a classical theater in the culture of the Crimea, the Turkic and Muslim worlds.
Keywords: Crym Giray I, German, Russian, Polish, Austrian, French, Crimean Tatar theater, Moliere, Tatar comedy.
For citacion: Zaatov I. A. Crym Girey I – the founder of the classical theater in the Crimea (on the issue of 257 years experience of the Crimean Tatar`s first theatrical productions of the European type theater). Krymskoe istoricheskoe obozrenie=Crimean Historical Riview. 2020, no. 1, pp. 100–135. DOI: 10.22378/kio.2020.1.100-135
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About the author: Zaatov Ismet Ablyatifovich – Cand. Sci. (Arts), Leading Research Fellow of the Crimean Scientific Center of Sh. Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (420111, Baturin
St., 7A, Kazan, Russian Federation); zaatov@gmail.com