2023, vol. 10, no. 1
Original papers

2023. no 1. Vladimir Bobrovnikov
Rehabilitation of the Crimean Khanate by Historians in a five-volumes book about the Crimean Tatars. pp. 220-232

2022. no 2. Halil Inalcik
The Khan and the Tribal Aristocracy: The Crimean Khanate under Sahib Giray I. pp. 10-39

2022. no 2. Eldar Vaniev
Features of administration of justice in the Crimean Khanate. pp. 40-50

2022. no 2. El’vira Kemal
About the ethnonym “Crimean Tatars”: analysis of historical sources. pp. 51-62

2022. no 2. Andrey Nepomnyashchy
Interpersonal communication in the Crimean local history according to the unknown correspondence between P.Ya. Chepurina and B.N. Zasypkin in 1927. pp. 63-83

2022. no 2. Roman Pochekaev
Safeguards for civil interests in the diplomatic correspondence of Crimean khans . pp. 84-98

2022. no 2. Alan Fisher
The Crimean Tatars. pp. 99-128

2022. no 2. Svetlana Gribova
Religious construction of Muslim Tatars in Belarus on the example of Nekrashun parish. pp.129-136

2022. no 2. Ismail Kerimov
Unknown materials about Usein Abdulrefioglu Bodaninsky (1877–1938). pp. 137-148